How do I transfer shares in my company?

This is a task that we see carried out all the time – and rarely is it done properly with the correct planning and considerations. And usually, price conscious people will try to do it [...]


What should my accountant do for me?

The Role of an Accountant Something that’s largely misunderstood by people who need an accountant is what business accountants are actually expected to do for them. Diverse Specialisms in [...]


Claiming costs for mileage

Understanding Tax-Free Mileage Rates Claiming mileage for travelling you do in your job is a fairly normal thing to do. Most employers pay their employees the full tax-free amount per mile, which [...]


Claiming costs for working from home

Working from home has become the latest craze borne out of necessity, with some (like me) doing it only when I absolutely have to and others relishing the opportunity to balance their work and [...]


Why should I donate to charity?

The pros and cons of donating to charity aren’t exactly what we’re here to advise on. We’re more focused on the tax advantages of doing so – and the disadvantages because sometimes it’s not [...]


Why would I want to incorporate my business – and why not?

As accountants for small businesses, we understand that there are some really detailed advantages and disadvantages to incorporating a small business. In this blog, we’ll cover some of the more [...]


How do self assessment payments on account work?

Being experienced year-end accountants, a frequently occurring issue we see with our clients is where they go from paying one self-assessment tax amount in January each year to one in January and [...]


Xero discount codes and how to get them

We’re proud Xero Accountant specialists and notable accountants in Leicester, having been Xero’s first accounting firm partner in the city when MNE Accounting began. We’ve been implementing [...]


Which bank should I use for my small business?

Small Business Banking As accountants for small businesses, we see many bank accounts and hear lots of feedback about how banks are to work with. As a consequence, we’re often asked to recommend [...]


Do I have to use Accounting Software for my New Business?

Over many years, we’ve used many different accounting software packages. From Sage Accounting Software to Quickbooks, we have experience across multiple systems. We also see many clients [...]