What Makes MNE A Trusted Xero Accountant?

 In Software

There are many firms who purport to be expert Xero accountants – and Xero are very keen on ensuring that their partners are able to use it properly, there’s no doubt. But there are flaws in their checking of their experts.

Xero’s training is excellent – and if you’ve persisted and become certified with them, you have definitely seen and learned what there is to be seen and learned. But their accreditation kind of loses its value a little when it comes to its precious-metal-based badge system. With a David and Goliath approach, we’ve always been happy being a “Silver” partner. We might become “Gold” one day, but we’re not pinning that on to the target board.

This is because it’s all down to how many systems you can log in to from your clients. So in effect, being a superstar, top-rated firm means that we’re talking about quantity rather than quality. If a firm has access to 20,000 systems, does that mean they’re really advising 20,000 businesses about how to get the most from Xero, or that they signed everyone up and hoped they’d find their way? And how did they get to 20,000 subscribers – because that’s how many clients they have, or because there are 15,000 empty systems being paid for to maintain the precious metal? As a five-branch firm who is still Silver, we know the answers to those!

We don’t like to criticise these firms, but when a client is choosing between accountants based on the firm’s precious metal status, it breaks our heart that businesses might not be getting the best from their kit!

Trusted Xero Accountants

We put a lot of effort into being brilliant users of the absolutely fantastic system that is Xero. We like our clients to benefit from our knowledge of what they can do with the system – whether that’s learned knowledge or actual experience from using it ourselves. We like to try new add ons for ourselves and often implement them in the long term in our business – when we find something that’s great, we tend to tell everyone!

There’s no doubt that many firms who use the software are excellent Xero accountants – many who I know personally are fantastic and certainly reputable accountants – but they don’t also have a penchant for making the best out of their clients’ Xero systems.

If you have any questions or want more information about Xero accounting, then please get in touch!

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